Snap crackle pop no sugar
No sugar please please
All tones are equal
Crack popple snap no tonic
No tonic no cheese
Music is numbers
Mathematically numbered keys
Make me a tone row
Repeat repeat
Twelve in a tone row
Repeat repeat
Row row row your boat
Row row row your boat
Twelve boats in a tone row
Twelve tones in a boat row
Stay in order stay
And you will like it
Play in order play
That’s how you strike it
Serial music atonal atone
Cereal music, each crunch stands alone
Snap crackle pop no sugared
Emotion to tease
All notes are equal
No flavor to squeeze
Crack popple snap no tonic
No resting-ting keys
Cereal music
Cereal music
Not another bowl please
Copyright ©
Alexandra York, all rights reserved