The Two Cities
By Roger Donway

In the end, the City of Man shall fall,
And nothing shall be left of Caesar's Rome.
Yet even so, we shall not lose our all.

A Vandal wave shall break on Rhenish Gaul,
And spread to every shore its raging foam.
In the end, the City of Man shall fall.

Half-savage senators and priests shall maul
The tongue of Cicero and Saint Jerome.
Yet even so, we shall not lose our all.

The Visigoths shall sweep down like a squall,
Smashing the aqueduct and hippodrome.
In the end, the City of Man shall fall.

Then Frankish chiefs, to northern lairs, shall haul
The broken statue and the half-burnt tome.
Yet even so, we shall not lose our all.

For hear the comfort that was spake by Paul:
Fire and sword cannot destroy our home.
In the end, the City of Man shall fall.
Yet even so, we shall not lose our All.

Copyright © By Roger Donway, all rights reserved