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Each ascending level receives gifts from previous levels.* Duplicate gifts make unique presents for you to give others, spreading our shared mission out into the culture, bringing entertainment, enlightenment, and pleasure to all. Every officer and Board member of ART is a volunteer, so each dollar you contribute goes only toward our projects and communication channels.
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Membership Levels
ART is a 501 (C) (3) nonprofit educational foundation. All membership donations are fully tax deductible as provided by law.Note: Details on all book gifts can be viewed on the Publications section of this website.
Subscriber: $25 and up
Receive ART UPDATES for information not available on the web
Donor: $100 and up Receive author-signed FROM THE FOUNTAINHEAD TO THE FUTURE and Other Essays on Art and Excellence—plus ART UPDATES
Sponsor: $300 and Up
Sustainer: $500 and up
Receive author-signed OVER THE YEARS: Poems, Lyrics, Songs, Prose—plus above
Associate: $1,000 and up
Receive unsigned limited edition (250) Temple of Triumph poster—plus above
Benefactor: $2,500 and up
Receive SILVER ROSE ANTHOLOGY: Award Winning Short Stories collectors' edition (100 only, while supply lasts) signed by all 12 authors—plus above
Charter Member: $5,000 and up
Receive limited edition (250 in edition) Temple of Triumph, four-artist-signed poster and a sterling Silver Rose lapel pin to become a Silver Rose Society* member with your name engraved on ART's bronze Silver Rose plaque
*Note: Unfortunately, due to excessive shipping costs we cannot send book gifts to members outside the U.S. below the Associate Membership level.

For lovers of Beauty who wish to share their values with others and support the work of ART in an especially generous manner, we have established "The Silver Rose Society." When in the history of mankind have we ever known of an era—except the twenty/twenty-first century—when people who loved beauty would need to stand up and declare it? Well, so be it. But since we are supporters of Beauty, we can hardly wear a "badge" declaring our position unless that badge, itself, bespeaks the "Beauty" of our cause. Therefore, rather than the all-too-mundane tee-shirts or bumper stickers, we offer the historic (and romantic) symbol of Beauty: a simple but perfect rose. The late sculptor Frederick Hart conceived the idea of a sterling silver Rose stickpin (suitable for men's or ladies' apparel), and sculptor/jewelry designer Gerd Hessness designed and executed an exquisite piece of jewelry exclusively for ART. This subtle and silent declaration of values may result in discussions decidedly not so subtle or silent, but either way it translates into publicity for ART. These pins will also create camaraderie among Beauty Lovers and become unique collector' s mementos for our high-level donors.
Individuals or corporations who donate $5,000 or more will have their name inscribed on the bronze bas-relief plaque which bears the Silver Rose symbol along with the names of other qualifying donors. This plaque (designed and donated to ART by sculptor Michael Wilkinson and cast as a gift by Elliot Gantz Foundry) now hangs in ART' s president's office and will be preserved forever in ART's archives. Silver Rose Society members will also receive the sterling silver rose stickpin, signifying membership in the "Society" and a staunch supporter of Beauty and humanistic values in all of the fine arts. Ice-breaker, conversation-getter, and publicity tool, this publicly displayed symbol stimulates both controversy and compatibility, but as it becomes recognizable throughout the country people will begin to learn more not only about ART but also realize that certain of us are standing up for our aesthetic "rights."
By wearing this beautiful silver rose stickpin, we proclaim our dedication to Beauty and to a positive attitude toward the world and humankind, to live with grace and the conviction that joy and happiness are possible, and to champion the values of the American Renaissance for the Twenty-first Century foundation not with a sword but with a rose.