Soul Celebrations and Spiritual Snacks
This tightly packed but eminently graspable book is full of new, original, and unique ideas for highly personal, deeply spiritual happiness that will appeal to both religious and nonreligious individuals. Basing its premises in values—and everyone has values--it offers broad avenues and private pathways to achieve a variety of sustained, empowering, exalted, and expansive "Soul Celebration" experiences that are singular to every individual because each person's value system is exclusively theirs alone. In addition, it offers smaller, simpler "Spiritual Snacks" to provide instantly available, delectable bits of spiritual nourishment and inspirational energy for those wishing to "spur-of-the-moment" experience the wondrous joys of being alive and active in today's whirlwind world. Note: Many people experience spiritual snacks without identifying them, but until we are conceptually aware of them we cannot own them as precious moments of ever-recurring moral renewal.