In the end, the City of Man shall fall,
And nothing shall be left of Caesar's Rome.
Yet even so, we shall not lose our all.
A Vandal wave shall break on Rhenish Gaul,
And spread to every shore its raging foam.
In the end, the City of Man shall fall.
Half-savage senators and priests shall maul
The tongue of Cicero and Saint Jerome.
Yet even so, we shall not lose our all.
The Visigoths shall sweep down like a squall,
Smashing the aqueduct and hippodrome.
In the end, the City of Man shall fall.
Then Frankish chiefs, to northern lairs, shall haul
The broken statue and the half-burnt tome.
Yet even so, we shall not lose our all.
For hear the comfort that was spake by Paul:
Fire and sword cannot destroy our home.
In the end, the City of Man shall fall.
Yet even so, we shall not lose our All.
Copyright ©
By Roger Donway, all rights reserved